Inventorium RTO

Flexible online study opportunities and meaningful learning experiences, preparing students for the next step in their careers

Our mission is to provide an educational learning experience that allows students to learn, grow, and co-create, and in so doing transform their futures.


To systematically change educational outcomes, one student at a time.


- Learn and develop at their own pace
- Understand the relevance of learning
- Have a ‘partner in learning’
- Needs are assessed and supported
- Is process-based
- Is non-linear

About Inventorium RTO

The Inventorium company was started by a group of academics, teachers and corporate professionals in response to the fact that many secondary school students do not complete their studies.

A new model of learning and teaching was created designed to transform these disengaged students into students who invest in their future, co-create their learning journey to power the future they want.

The success of this approach to learning and teaching led Inventorium to launch a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) that provides this unique learning opportunity delivering self-paced, one on one, educational experiences to those interested in better preparing themselves for meaningful employment.

Inventorium is a registered social enterprise, a certified BCorp organisation, solely focused on providing relevant educational opportunities that lead to real employment.

Our team of qualified and experienced facilitators ensure we provide meaningful learning experiences that allow each student to thrive.